Jay White’s Diamond

Jay White on stage
The band was fabulous and King Errisson was outstanding on the drums. Neil Diamond calls King the best percussionist in the world. King Errisson has been part of the touring band since 1976. King’s latest CD “Conga Serenade” is available now.King Errisson, Nikki Artale
Jay will be touring with his show, now that he is not committed to a nightly show at the Riviera. It is exciting that everyone will remain together and the fans will be able to experience this wonderful show.Jay has written a show, which has been in the works for fourteen years, about an immigrant boy who comes to America. The music and songs of Neil Diamond tell the story in “Brooklyn Road”. The show will be premiering in a Las Vegas Hotel very soon. http://www.youtube.com/user/Nikkiartale1#p/a/u/2/pZIb2s09COA
An after party was held after the show and Jay got to spend time with his band, friends, family and fans. His manager Steve Hart and publicist Terese DiMartino helped to celebrate his last show. Jay and his wife Pam were in high spirits mingling with everyone.
Pam and Jay White
Steve Hart, Jay White, Terese Dimartino
Sandy is Neil Diamonds number one fan and friend for over 30 years. She has transferred that friendship to Jay who she considers the next best Diamond.
We want to thank you Jay for all the years of memories that you haave given us. You have touched our hearts and we are looking forward to seeing you agin in your new show.
Diamonds are forever and you are ours forever.
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