Sheila Kennedy
No One’s Pet
Sheila Kennedy, Vicky Quagliata & Kristen Makhatini
It was fun backstage, looking on as the photographer staged and posed Sheila and the Chippendales for the photo shoot. They all looked fabulous and were enjoying their time together.
Michael Caprio
Chaun Thomas, Sheila Kennedy & James Davis
Jaymes Vaughn, Chaun Thomas, Sheila Kennedy & James Davis
Sheila Kennedy was a houseguest on the T.V. Reality show Big Brother 9 and placed third, after 77 days in the Big Brother house. I was rooting for her to win and she was a favorite. Many of her fans followed her through out the season and they were so disappointed that she didn’t win. Sheila was a Penthouse Pet of the month in 1982 and in 1983 she was the Playmate of the Year. She was and still is beautiful.
She has been working on a book “No One’s Pet” about her lifes story. Readers will find out the truth about the going on’s in the Penthouse Mansion, her many love affairs, hundreds of celebrities and the Saudi Princes. It will be a very exciting and revealing book. I read some of the highlights and I was intrigued and did not want to put it down.
We were excited to learn that Jaymes Vaughn new CD “Vampire” was just released and Sheila gave him a good luck kiss.
You remember that I said that I love the Chippendales, well I have now added someone else to that love list. It is Steven Gantt the star of the new T.V. Reality Show “Gigolos”.
While we were doing the photo shoot I saw Steven Gantt, who was so handsome and gorgeous. When Michael Caprio introduced us to Steven I was so excited because I was looking to meet the Gigolos to do a feature story on them. I could never find a connection to them and now here was Steven. He is great in the show and I love his sweetness, his shyness and his gentleness. Season 2 of the Gigolos is now on SHO every Thursday at 11:00 pm. Filmed entirely in Las Vegas, it shows the male escorts as companions and how they are making womens wishes and fantasy’s come true.

Jimmy, Vin, Steven, Brace & Nick
Steven posed with Sheila and I captured some hot photos of them.
Sheila Kennedy & Steven Gantt
Besides Sheila Kennedy being a great friend, I am happy to report that Steven Gantt & I are very good friends now and I will be bringing him around to the media events so you can meet him. He is wonderful and you will be smitten with him when you meet him. Look for a story on the Gigolos in the near future.